Samarinda Newspaper Marketing Communication Strategy In the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Koran Samarinda Di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19
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This research is based on the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic which has a negative impact on
various aspects of people's lives, one of which is the reduced income of mass media. Samarinda pos
itself is a local newspaper in the city of Samarinda that carries criminal news. During the Covid-19
pandemic, Samarinda Pos experienced a decrease in market percentage from before. In this case, of
course, Samarinda Pos requires a marketing communication strategy in order to survive in a
difficult situation like this. So this study aims to find out the marketing communication strategy of
the Samarinda Pos newspaper in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a qualitative descriptive research using observation, interview, and documentation data collection methods. The
use of this type of research and data collection methods is so that researchers can describe and analyze
the strategies and impacts that exist in the Samarinda Pos newspaper. This research is also based on
the marketing mix theory (product, price, place, promotion) from Philip Kotler. Based on the results
of the research and discussion, it can be seen that the marketing communication strategy carried out
by Samarinda Pos during the Covid-19 pandemic on Samrinda Pos products is to create a digital
newspaper / epaper that is accessed through the Samarinda website, as for the price of the newspaper,
which is IDR 5,000 per copy with a total of 16 page and Samarinda Pos provide discounts to clients
according to the conditions of their respective companies, for the distribution of Samarinda Pos
newspapers more at red-light intersections, the rest in government agencies, stalls, and so on, as
well as more passively spreading breaking news on social media Samarinda Pos, Then to carry out
promotions, Samarinda Pos held long-distance visits to clients and prospective clients by telephone.
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